Thursday, November 10, 2016

Inktober 2016: My experience

As I told you before, I participated on Inktober, which means drawing and inking something every day of October. I wanted to write this post during the first days of november, but since I had a couple of intense weeks full of exams and homework I couldnt take the time for posting what happened with my Inktober experience.

First of all I want to tell you that I really enjoyed drawing every single day; I never thought I would be able to do it because I am always procastinating or stressed out with University. Somehow I made a time each day to draw, ink, paint and post, and it was absolutely amazing apart from exhausting. I feel proud of what I achieved, although my drawing tecniques are not the best ones and my fan base is inexistent. Anyway, I would love to do Inktober again next year. 

Now, I want to show you the drawings I did that have more likes on my Instagram: 

#5 Rapa Nui traditional clothing

#4 Belly Dancing traditional clothes

#3 2000's Digital era

#2  Kpop style

#1   90's last decade of the millenium

And these are my favourite drawings, the ones I enjoyed the most doing and the ones with the better results according to my appreciation (without any orden) :

I want to finish this post telling you that either if you participated in inktober (failing or succeeding) or you didn't, KEEP GOING. I am just starting and its getting better for me, although I am not professional yet. I really hope you start doing what you love and things get better for you.

Thanks for reading. With love, Sofía.